Kick ...
, but if my personal life occurs elsewhere wide, has no business here ...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Who Inveted Harley Davidson Dingwall
description of the life I
A small butterfly lands on the disc and makes it very softly-pock-a sound of bouncing and somewhere I associate with, ironically, life. For the butterfly, it may have been quite the contrary, if it has not protected its natural resilience. Rain accompanied him, would always rain is. This is not necessarily wrong, I like rain but I also like the gray and the sadness, the melancholy he brings with him and most people coaxes a reflection of mild depression. It makes them more reflective, and that is exactly like what I do. Nevertheless ... these days are different. The puddles on the street have become deep and the wind that brings cold air cuts deep into the skin, although it is not as cold as in previous years. However, I am longing for more heat ... and the more I yearn for the colder, everything seems to be.
I slowly turn my head into the wind and begin to whisper. Unspoken words that no one would understand no matter how close he or she should be with me. I whisper, without a sound. The wind certainly understands me and if not, it is not so bad, he does not answer anyway. He carries my desire for someone who listens without even one who henceforth be able to. Most have forgotten how to listen .. and I find I always wanted to have it switched off again in moments in which this is unverzeilich. My inner turmoil brings me to the collected my aggression and frustration, which I only want to like it out on the world around them to give her back, where they but the cause of all this is.
In light of the lantern a few small insects dance for their lives. A car passes and cuts through the puddle, so that its mirror image a tiny amount of time no longer dwells in this world. But water is constantly and continuously - and there are also mirror images. I do not dare to see the insects directly. First, because the light would blind me then, and partly because I caught her reflection holds and stopped me in interest. It was about time to stand back and just something to be observed to have to make breathing and the wind in the future ...
to be continued ...
A small butterfly lands on the disc and makes it very softly-pock-a sound of bouncing and somewhere I associate with, ironically, life. For the butterfly, it may have been quite the contrary, if it has not protected its natural resilience. Rain accompanied him, would always rain is. This is not necessarily wrong, I like rain but I also like the gray and the sadness, the melancholy he brings with him and most people coaxes a reflection of mild depression. It makes them more reflective, and that is exactly like what I do. Nevertheless ... these days are different. The puddles on the street have become deep and the wind that brings cold air cuts deep into the skin, although it is not as cold as in previous years. However, I am longing for more heat ... and the more I yearn for the colder, everything seems to be.
I slowly turn my head into the wind and begin to whisper. Unspoken words that no one would understand no matter how close he or she should be with me. I whisper, without a sound. The wind certainly understands me and if not, it is not so bad, he does not answer anyway. He carries my desire for someone who listens without even one who henceforth be able to. Most have forgotten how to listen .. and I find I always wanted to have it switched off again in moments in which this is unverzeilich. My inner turmoil brings me to the collected my aggression and frustration, which I only want to like it out on the world around them to give her back, where they but the cause of all this is.
In light of the lantern a few small insects dance for their lives. A car passes and cuts through the puddle, so that its mirror image a tiny amount of time no longer dwells in this world. But water is constantly and continuously - and there are also mirror images. I do not dare to see the insects directly. First, because the light would blind me then, and partly because I caught her reflection holds and stopped me in interest. It was about time to stand back and just something to be observed to have to make breathing and the wind in the future ...
to be continued ...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Height Of Collimination
somedays ...
Hum ..
Why does it feel like this? Everything ... so .. unfinished, so restless so .. indescribable. I try over and over again and fail usually already equal to the smallest approaches. It is not to rest, a feeling of homelessness without really wanting to be a stranger or to search far. It is mixed between numb Gammeln hectic and too much, which you can not escape inevitable.
The wish that some things are done and the endlcih the time so far progress of the whole shit is over and you can even get a few carefree days ... but where will they come from? What would be carefree? Little .. or even nothing at the moment it is .. I still try and try again to let go.
Some moments I will be torn from the Gerfühlsmüll and sniff a bit of the clean air above it, which is quite warm and illuminated by the sun. Cans discarded hopes sparkle light metals and light here and there are larger debris of old ideas complexes. I put my nose in the air and do not notice these things. Enjoy only for the moment ...
But then when I pulled back down and will sink, the air must continue to dive around, then I can not capture these moments so well. The misery of everyday life and not enough to store all the permits this pure pleasantness of my body for a time with.
The trial is .. hide and everything to do with an elbow wneig space .. happy but not making a straight, no, rather the contrary, if you irritable and aggressive response to its environment although this is not umbedingt would like, but feel helpless to block again and again ... or maybe not and explain again and again .. and .. where an understanding anyway, hardly anyone is listening and even less ...
This is what I am missing someone .. of once again like to listen to honest and willing .. all to share ... just someone I have not really time to ... maybe I'm just too weak to create someone like me, maybe the people here, but at present I can not make it the first step to do in this direction - for new MENSCHNER - and the old - I have long since abandoned. .. because it remains a superficial wneig hinfortwischt explained and a little frustration ... at least not quite go down - the feeling remains that no one is willing to listen with real interest is ..
Hum ..
Why does it feel like this? Everything ... so .. unfinished, so restless so .. indescribable. I try over and over again and fail usually already equal to the smallest approaches. It is not to rest, a feeling of homelessness without really wanting to be a stranger or to search far. It is mixed between numb Gammeln hectic and too much, which you can not escape inevitable.
The wish that some things are done and the endlcih the time so far progress of the whole shit is over and you can even get a few carefree days ... but where will they come from? What would be carefree? Little .. or even nothing at the moment it is .. I still try and try again to let go.
Some moments I will be torn from the Gerfühlsmüll and sniff a bit of the clean air above it, which is quite warm and illuminated by the sun. Cans discarded hopes sparkle light metals and light here and there are larger debris of old ideas complexes. I put my nose in the air and do not notice these things. Enjoy only for the moment ...
But then when I pulled back down and will sink, the air must continue to dive around, then I can not capture these moments so well. The misery of everyday life and not enough to store all the permits this pure pleasantness of my body for a time with.
The trial is .. hide and everything to do with an elbow wneig space .. happy but not making a straight, no, rather the contrary, if you irritable and aggressive response to its environment although this is not umbedingt would like, but feel helpless to block again and again ... or maybe not and explain again and again .. and .. where an understanding anyway, hardly anyone is listening and even less ...
This is what I am missing someone .. of once again like to listen to honest and willing .. all to share ... just someone I have not really time to ... maybe I'm just too weak to create someone like me, maybe the people here, but at present I can not make it the first step to do in this direction - for new MENSCHNER - and the old - I have long since abandoned. .. because it remains a superficial wneig hinfortwischt explained and a little frustration ... at least not quite go down - the feeling remains that no one is willing to listen with real interest is ..
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Master Combination Lock Mechanism
spmx @ 2007-12-05T19: 13:00
My mood is somewhere .. between blue and violet ...
but to kommt ein kleiner Tropfen schwarze Leere die nicht weiss wo sie hinsoll ...
so taumel ich von Pfütze zu Pfütze durch eine Regenverhangene Nacht und suche mein Spiegelbild immer wieder aufs neue ... wo ist es hin ? Wo ist das was ich sehen möchte ..
My mood is somewhere .. between blue and violet ...
but to kommt ein kleiner Tropfen schwarze Leere die nicht weiss wo sie hinsoll ...
so taumel ich von Pfütze zu Pfütze durch eine Regenverhangene Nacht und suche mein Spiegelbild immer wieder aufs neue ... wo ist es hin ? Wo ist das was ich sehen möchte ..
Vegetable Oil Generator Cost
On we go
Ja .. es geht wieder los ..
für diejenigen wenigen die es ab und an vielleicht doch noch lesen mögen.
Die Tage sind schrecklich kurz geworden inzwischen und das matte Grau des Regens schlägt vermutlich auf das Gemüt der Stadt an sich. Mich hingegen macht es nicht zwangsläufig depressiv, höchstens ein wenig gemütlich und irgendwie die meiste Zeit über müde.
Ich schlafe schlecht, wache ab und an auf und fühle mich - ganz unabhängig von meiner Erkältung Morgens selten wirklich fit. Dennoch hat alles die meiste Zeit über diese gewisse Schönheit von Grau, von regnerisch und angenehm... doch leider habe ich kaum Zeit stehen zu bleiben und all das zu beachten, mir anzusehen und festzustellen wie faszinierend die Welt in ihrem Fascettenreichtum doch seien kann, wenn man sich die Mühe macht hinzusehen.
Allgemein denke ich wieder mehr nach .. mehr über weniger wenn ich ehrlich bin .. Der übliche Drang nach idealistischen Wertvorstellungen und nach einem ehrlichen Leben ist wieder erwacht, dannach mehr das zu tun was man sich iwkrlich wünscht um am Ende nicht sagen zu müssen - ich habs wohl nichtmal versucht.
Daraus werden wieder mehr Fears, but who cares .. maybe you just overcomes that by tuen .. by lean .. through being there.
--- This morning I thought of friends with whom I do not so much lately, from people who were once important to me and sometimes still are ... Above all, Sherry, I miss you somehow and that was a lot not too long since .-- not here not there - hold anywhere in my life. could she went for most of my head on it this morning, then Melle and Anne, and I yes to second now and then very very sporadically have contact and am not sure whether we were really still friends today. Well .. Melle has always been complicated, what our As for relationship .. little time little contact, sometimes intense sometimes not ... tuen what you want ..
--- I thought once again butterflies, to the vomit in the spiritual sense and to the people in the bus full ... The banality of a morning bus ride and the restless silence in the auditorium. The study allows one to see again a lot and feel much, much new and yet well-known only because the human life are but over and over again as the same to appear. Still ...
The lecture hall in the law school is one of the best examples .. He has an aura of comfort, at least for me. The architecture, the light, the many people sitting on the hard wooden-folding, which muttering to himself and spread a feeling between being compulsive and learning desire. All this has a calming effect and one where I feel comfortable. Other places just do not have this, even though these are relatively rare here. Most simply have no, or I do not succeed me to relax and calm enough to be open to all that enters from outside.
The worst was the last evening. I lay in bed and tore an inner restlessness me formally. A vacuum of emptiness, which is to be contracted to be filled with anything but not a calm feeling, even lazuli a clear structured thoughts.
This morning was the think better .. now it is already too inhibited .. I .. would soon return to it I think .. but first of all, the rich here .. nru perhaps a few hours or even less, but perhaps also for the next few days ..
Oh yes ..
If someone reads ..
I can not decide which blog should I use .. this one .. or
/ somewhere
is actually the better .. but this one is clear ..
now ..
Ja .. es geht wieder los ..
für diejenigen wenigen die es ab und an vielleicht doch noch lesen mögen.
Die Tage sind schrecklich kurz geworden inzwischen und das matte Grau des Regens schlägt vermutlich auf das Gemüt der Stadt an sich. Mich hingegen macht es nicht zwangsläufig depressiv, höchstens ein wenig gemütlich und irgendwie die meiste Zeit über müde.
Ich schlafe schlecht, wache ab und an auf und fühle mich - ganz unabhängig von meiner Erkältung Morgens selten wirklich fit. Dennoch hat alles die meiste Zeit über diese gewisse Schönheit von Grau, von regnerisch und angenehm... doch leider habe ich kaum Zeit stehen zu bleiben und all das zu beachten, mir anzusehen und festzustellen wie faszinierend die Welt in ihrem Fascettenreichtum doch seien kann, wenn man sich die Mühe macht hinzusehen.
Allgemein denke ich wieder mehr nach .. mehr über weniger wenn ich ehrlich bin .. Der übliche Drang nach idealistischen Wertvorstellungen und nach einem ehrlichen Leben ist wieder erwacht, dannach mehr das zu tun was man sich iwkrlich wünscht um am Ende nicht sagen zu müssen - ich habs wohl nichtmal versucht.
Daraus werden wieder mehr Fears, but who cares .. maybe you just overcomes that by tuen .. by lean .. through being there.
--- This morning I thought of friends with whom I do not so much lately, from people who were once important to me and sometimes still are ... Above all, Sherry, I miss you somehow and that was a lot not too long since .-- not here not there - hold anywhere in my life. could she went for most of my head on it this morning, then Melle and Anne, and I yes to second now and then very very sporadically have contact and am not sure whether we were really still friends today. Well .. Melle has always been complicated, what our As for relationship .. little time little contact, sometimes intense sometimes not ... tuen what you want ..
--- I thought once again butterflies, to the vomit in the spiritual sense and to the people in the bus full ... The banality of a morning bus ride and the restless silence in the auditorium. The study allows one to see again a lot and feel much, much new and yet well-known only because the human life are but over and over again as the same to appear. Still ...
The lecture hall in the law school is one of the best examples .. He has an aura of comfort, at least for me. The architecture, the light, the many people sitting on the hard wooden-folding, which muttering to himself and spread a feeling between being compulsive and learning desire. All this has a calming effect and one where I feel comfortable. Other places just do not have this, even though these are relatively rare here. Most simply have no, or I do not succeed me to relax and calm enough to be open to all that enters from outside.
The worst was the last evening. I lay in bed and tore an inner restlessness me formally. A vacuum of emptiness, which is to be contracted to be filled with anything but not a calm feeling, even lazuli a clear structured thoughts.
This morning was the think better .. now it is already too inhibited .. I .. would soon return to it I think .. but first of all, the rich here .. nru perhaps a few hours or even less, but perhaps also for the next few days ..
Oh yes ..
If someone reads ..
I can not decide which blog should I use .. this one .. or
/ somewhere
is actually the better .. but this one is clear ..
now ..
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