This beautyful table
Reading about the new desk of a friend reminds me of the strange story of my own pc-corner, and the somehow overstyled table I use for desk.
When we bought the half-finished, but about four years old house we´re now living in, my husband used to stay in our old home and had to keep on working.
After a while I got tired cycling the 20 km from our old house to the new every day in the morning, and then back in the evening, but somebody has to look after the craftsmen, to clean up afterwards, to built the garden and so on.
Therefore I decided to camp in our new home, so I bought the new refrigerator, the washing machine, the dryer and made it clear they were delivered as soon as possible. I had a camping table and chairs, a matress with blanket and pillows, an already finished built-in cabinet, the two bathing rooms were ready, who could ask for more? During this time I slept in every room of our house, because one room was always to be painted, has to be tiled, or whatever, one day I even slept in our bathing room, or in the garage. But it was much fun.
In our little town there was a shabby one-room store for furniture, old, new, antique, in a horrible disorder and dusty and with half-blind windows. It opened only on Wednesday from 2 to 4 pm, and on Saturdays, from 10 till noon.
On a Saturday afternoon, when I went to town to have my meal, I saw a beautyful table in there, which matched perfectly with our wooden oak furniture, and I soon fell in love with it.
But the today shopping time was already over and the next Wednesday we would have a appointment with the conveyancer. Besides my money was spare, and I couldn´t sicern the prize.
But I really wanted it so badly!
I had no idea what to use it for, it was high, long, but had only little depht. Two drawers were located under the top with nice-looking knobs, and, ooh, it was so beauttyful!
The following Wednesday I did the whole way in less than 45 minutes with my bike, and I trod in only a few seconds before closing time.
But I was able to buy this lovely table and we arranged I would fetch it the next Saturday.
I used the litlle table for lots of tasks, the drawers were my first *safe* for money and papers concerning the house, we drank our coffee at it, I signed several contracts at it, I wrote and painted my designs of the house-to-be for the cabinet maker.
When we finally moved in, I fist used it as a kind of bedside table, but my hips weren´t too fond of this, often getting bruised.
Then I had a really good idea.
Upstairs, there was a large hallway with no really use, with a nice window, overlooking the way to our house. To the right was the staircase, so that you could get to the door in time for the postman or whoelse....
You may not believe, the second I wrote this the door bell rang, and the postman was there!!
Now I thought to use this wasted place, and the table fitted there excactly. But what for? I remebered writing and painting on it, bought a nice, comfortable office stool, put my laptop and my printer on this table, and now it is an absolutely useful writing desk.
For some time I had two doves, which I named Richard Tauber ( because HE sang like the famous tenor) and Kukuxumusu (after a special line of buffs; and this word paints clearly HER singing) nesting right over this window, but they always lost their brood, for there was to little space for their nest, and the broken eggs lay on the stairs of our front door. We stopped this by puttings nails on the balks under the windows, now the raise their chicks in the apple tree beneath my sleeping room.
Now I´ve got new tenants, a swarm of wasps flying busy in and out ( no, not in this room, but somewhere under the roof!!) but I can watch them every day.
Now I´m gonna stop this writing, the train is nearly there, bye....
Please apologize some discrepance between *train* and *postman*, I´m really oldfashioned and so I use to handwrite all things. Only very few become the status of being typed. ;-/
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