Friday, March 14, 2008

Dragon Ball Chi Chi And Bulma Fusion

Osterwiese Core horray: D

So my dear ones, a very good evening, a wonderful good night rest and welcome to the third entry for today.

I think you realize that I am suffering from the then-boredom. I mean how far is with me now the third entry in Livejorunal! xD Yes, this is probably because I forced to sit at home has sense only because of my illness! xD BUT: Why are they friends there? xD My mom told me today n beautiful Abend machen zu müssen und hat mich krank wie ich bin allein zu Haus gelassen. Und gut dann wurde ich aus der Hölle der Langenweile für ein paar Stündchen befreit. Weil ich auf die Osterwiese gehoppelt bin erst mit Mike und dann ham wa noch Timmä und Daniel abgeholt xD Es war wirklich eine gelungene Ablenkung bei dem ganzen Kram der mit ihm Kopp rumschwirrt und surrt und hach... °__° Zwar lässt das natürlich auch nicht alles aus dem Kopf verschwinden aber so hatte ich endlich mal wieder was um die Ohren! xD Nyu wir sind dann um ich glaub 7 oder halb 8 auf der osterwiese gewesen!

Dann war zuerst Top Spinn, dann Break Dancer (Timmä? wir sind gepuderte Schmalkuchen in the wind; D), Commander ... Huh xD And my money was coming to an end (I had only 20 €) and then had to treat me too *-* ice cream ice cream as I adore. And then the car Scouter xD Oh glorious Asozial most people are there around! : D But for TOP IN we were then still too fine and are in the other! Nyuu, only then I will buy 4 chips and then sitting as RICO! xD what the name says the least, but that was my primary love xDDD 2.-4. Class or something! And that knows me and gave me O_O promt 3 Driving Chips! XD Then we went erstma Horray taken from *-* And then I Vanessa. And we rammed erstma schööön Dx Somehow I got it like she should net provide so much to do because of Danny, Oh, And then I have 3 machines in so nem gripper arm still pulled out a great Tigger xD After 6-7 attempts!

Ydobon I call him!

Jupp Jupp ... Then the gentlemen had all on toilet xD And we went to the station ... (No wonder after 2-3 milkshake which had all behind him o__o) And then I run away to the Malli and bard! xD then we have the first presented their folks there. I remember Thomas and Anne? Or Anna? XD All other names are flown me Dx That's when we have turned on then first vodka in orange juice and multivitamins. But honestly I was gesgat-get drunk-me-in the mood ich dann doch nicht und hab mich mit ein paar Schlucken zufrieden gegeben. Während Daniel dann von Malli Harry Potter getauft wurde. (aber es nicht bös meint sie war nur irgendwie sternhagelvoll) Und dann nun wirklich zur Toilette denn ich musste inzwischen auch!! Joha und dann nachdem wir uns alle befreit hatten. Timmä war weg XD Ich habs gleich gesagt der ist seiner Nase nach sich was zu essen holen gelaufen! xD Wir anderen 3 sind wieder raus zu Malli und Bardin. Und irgendwann kam Timmä auch wieder xD Er war bei LE CROBAG! Mein natürlicher Feind (ihr müsst wissen das will die Weltherrschaft!) Und dann sind wir wieder auf die Osterwiese gebummelt erst mit Malli, Bardies und den anderen aber dann wieder später allein. Und dann sind wir to this extremely kuhlen photo thingy.

was short at some point after the fireworks By 22:00 Uh ... I've noticed as well but somehow missed who. Even if I had super Leutschen love with me but oh well ... If you like staring at the sky and just look at the gene Colorful flames roar into the Black one begins to think again ... At least we then slowly made their way home. Through the station back to the bus stop. And as a brief summary of 'all been waiting for the bus and I'm still photos of the bargain and made me laugh because half dead because they were so mad. Then, the three posts I had stayed in the bus and that was it. It was a really nice evening: D

Milchbartieh! xD

Soo against viiertel 11 clock I was at home: D Just everything posted in Livejournl ow and I will like to bed tilt because I remember I am unfortunately still non- more ill than I would like to see that! D: And would I sleep well now. And woe to ring tomorrow morning at 6:30 the phone then I run amok dear ones.

glorious Good night and sleep well.

If it goes well with you or if you have bad
guilt or
just to be there - that's what friends are for no one asks why

- why
and not a word, people take their crooked
always be honest
friends are for it because

include succession and what's more - through thick and thin together

go and never ask who's the use
I believe what friends are for

If you do not know how
because your heart almost breaks
say what torments you - that's what friends are for

[Tabaluga (Peter Maffay) - Friends]


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